DATA SOURCE: Hospital infections

May 30, 2019

Medicare data

<>: A web site suggested by Kim Druschel at Saint Louis University

One dataset there is about infections associated with hospitalization.

  1. Download as CSV
  2. In RStudio, go to Environment/ImportDataset

Wrangling data:

library(dplyr, quietly = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
library(readr, quietly = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
Infections <- readr::read_csv("~/Downloads/Healthcare_Associated_Infections_-_Hospital.csv")
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   `Provider ID` = col_character(),
##   `Hospital Name` = col_character(),
##   Address = col_character(),
##   City = col_character(),
##   State = col_character(),
##   `ZIP Code` = col_double(),
##   `County Name` = col_character(),
##   `Phone Number` = col_double(),
##   `Measure Name` = col_character(),
##   `Measure ID` = col_character(),
##   `Compared to National` = col_character(),
##   Score = col_character(),
##   Footnote = col_character(),
##   `Measure Start Date` = col_character(),
##   `Measure End Date` = col_character(),
##   Location = col_character()
## )
unique(Infections$`Measure Name`)
##  [1] "MRSA Bacteremia"                                                                                   
##  [2] "Clostridium Difficile (C.Diff): Patient Days"                                                      
##  [3] "Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infection: Number of Device Days"                              
##  [4] "SSI - Abdominal Hysterectomy"                                                                      
##  [5] "Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (ICU + select Wards): Predicted Cases"                
##  [6] "Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infection (ICU + select Wards): Lower Confidence Limit"        
##  [7] "Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (ICU + select Wards): Lower Confidence Limit"         
##  [8] "SSI - Colon Surgery"                                                                               
##  [9] "SSI - Colon Surgery: Upper Confidence Limit"                                                       
## [10] "Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infection (ICU + select Wards): Predicted Cases"               
## [11] "Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (ICU + select Wards)"                                 
## [12] "MRSA Bacteremia: Predicted Cases"                                                                  
## [13] "SSI - Abdominal Hysterectomy: Upper Confidence Limit"                                              
## [14] "Clostridium Difficile (C.Diff): Upper Confidence Limit"                                            
## [15] "MRSA Bacteremia: Observed Cases"                                                                   
## [16] "MRSA Bacteremia: Patient Days"                                                                     
## [17] "SSI - Abdominal Hysterectomy: Predicted Cases"                                                     
## [18] "Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infection (ICU + select Wards): Observed Cases"                
## [19] "SSI - Abdominal Hysterectomy: Lower Confidence Limit"                                              
## [20] "Clostridium Difficile (C.Diff)"                                                                    
## [21] "Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infection (ICU + select Wards): Upper Confidence Limit"        
## [22] "Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infection (ICU + select Wards)"                                
## [23] "Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (ICU + select Wards): Upper Confidence Limit"         
## [24] "Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (ICU + select Wards): Number of Urinary Catheter Days"
## [25] "Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (ICU + select Wards): Observed Cases"                 
## [26] "SSI - Colon Surgery: Lower Confidence Limit"                                                       
## [27] "SSI - Colon Surgery: Number of Procedures"                                                         
## [28] "SSI - Colon Surgery: Predicted Cases"                                                              
## [29] "SSI - Colon Surgery: Observed Cases"                                                               
## [30] "SSI - Abdominal Hysterectomy: Number of Procedures"                                                
## [31] "SSI - Abdominal Hysterectomy: Observed Cases"                                                      
## [32] "MRSA Bacteremia: Lower Confidence Limit"                                                           
## [33] "MRSA Bacteremia: Upper Confidence Limit"                                                           
## [34] "Clostridium Difficile (C.Diff): Lower Confidence Limit"                                            
## [35] "Clostridium Difficile (C.Diff): Predicted Cases"                                                   
## [36] "Clostridium Difficile (C.Diff): Observed Cases"
# separate institution data from measurements
measurements <- names(Infections)[9:15]
Institutions <-
  Infections %>%
  select( - one_of(measurements)) %>%
  group_by(`Provider ID`) %>%
  filter(row_number() == 1)
Measures <- 
  Infections %>%
  select(`Provider ID`, one_of(measurements))

Let’s look at central line associated bloodstream infections.

Central_Line <- 
  Measures %>%
  filter(grepl("Central Line Associated", `Measure Name`)) %>%
  mutate(Score = ifelse(Score %in% c("--", "Not Available"), NA, parse_number(Score))) %>%
  mutate(condition = gsub("HAI_._", "", `Measure ID`)) %>%
  select(-`Measure Start Date`, -`Measure End Date`,  -`Footnote`, 
         -`Compared to National`, -`Measure Name`, -`Measure ID`) %>%
  tidyr::spread(key = condition, value = Score)
## Warning: 11908 parsing failures.
## row col expected        actual
##   1  -- a number Not Available
##   2  -- a number Not Available
##   3  -- a number Not Available
##   4  -- a number Not Available
##   5  -- a number Not Available
## ... ... ........ .............
## See problems(...) for more details.
Abdominal <- 
  Measures %>%
  filter(grepl("SSI - Abdom", `Measure Name`)) %>%
  mutate(Score = ifelse(Score %in% c("--", "Not Available"), NA, parse_number(Score))) %>%
  mutate(condition = gsub("HAI_._", "", `Measure ID`)) %>%
  select(-`Measure Start Date`, -`Measure End Date`,  -`Footnote`, 
         -`Compared to National`, -`Measure Name`, -`Measure ID`) %>%
  tidyr::spread(key = condition, value = Score)
## Warning: 17871 parsing failures.
## row col expected        actual
##   1  -- a number Not Available
##   2  -- a number Not Available
##   3  -- a number Not Available
##   4  -- a number Not Available
##   5  -- a number Not Available
## ... ... ........ .............
## See problems(...) for more details.
Colon <- 
  Measures %>%
  filter(grepl("SSI - Colon", `Measure Name`)) %>%
  mutate(Score = ifelse(Score %in% c("--", "Not Available"), NA, parse_number(Score))) %>%
  mutate(condition = gsub("HAI_._", "", `Measure ID`)) %>%
  select(-`Measure Start Date`, -`Measure End Date`,  -`Footnote`, 
         -`Compared to National`, -`Measure Name`, -`Measure ID`) %>%
  tidyr::spread(key = condition, value = Score)
## Warning: 13957 parsing failures.
## row col expected        actual
##   1  -- a number Not Available
##   2  -- a number Not Available
##   3  -- a number Not Available
##   4  -- a number Not Available
##  11  -- a number Not Available
## ... ... ........ .............
## See problems(...) for more details.
MRSA <- 
  Measures %>%
  filter(grepl("MRSA", `Measure Name`)) %>%
  mutate(Score = ifelse(Score %in% c("--", "Not Available"), NA, parse_number(Score))) %>%
  mutate(condition = gsub("HAI_._", "", `Measure ID`)) %>%
  select(-`Measure Start Date`, -`Measure End Date`,  -`Footnote`, 
         -`Compared to National`, -`Measure Name`, -`Measure ID`) %>%
  tidyr::spread(key = condition, value = Score)
## Warning: 12046 parsing failures.
## row col expected        actual
##   1  -- a number Not Available
##   2  -- a number Not Available
##   4  -- a number Not Available
##   7  -- a number Not Available
##  14  -- a number Not Available
## ... ... ........ .............
## See problems(...) for more details.
Catheter <- 
  Measures %>%
  filter(grepl("Catheter", `Measure Name`)) %>%
  mutate(Score = ifelse(Score %in% c("--", "Not Available"), NA, parse_number(Score))) %>%
  mutate(condition = gsub("HAI_._", "", `Measure ID`)) %>%
  select(-`Measure Start Date`, -`Measure End Date`,  -`Footnote`, 
         -`Compared to National`, -`Measure Name`, -`Measure ID`) %>%
  tidyr::spread(key = condition, value = Score)
## Warning: 10445 parsing failures.
## row col expected        actual
##   2  -- a number Not Available
##   3  -- a number Not Available
##   4  -- a number Not Available
##   6  -- a number Not Available
##   7  -- a number Not Available
## ... ... ........ .............
## See problems(...) for more details.
C_DIFF <- 
  Measures %>%
  filter(grepl("Clostridium", `Measure Name`)) %>%
  mutate(Score = ifelse(Score %in% c("--", "Not Available"), NA, parse_number(Score))) %>%
  mutate(condition = gsub("HAI_._", "", `Measure ID`)) %>%
  select(-`Measure Start Date`, -`Measure End Date`,  -`Footnote`, 
         -`Compared to National`, -`Measure Name`, -`Measure ID`) %>%
  tidyr::spread(key = condition, value = Score)
## Warning: 7595 parsing failures.
## row col expected        actual
##   2  -- a number Not Available
##   3  -- a number Not Available
##  10  -- a number Not Available
##  11  -- a number Not Available
##  12  -- a number Not Available
## ... ... ........ .............
## See problems(...) for more details.

Can we make sense of the variables? Hypotheses …

  • ELIGCASES refers to a model output based on the number of patient days DOPC
library(ggformula, quietly = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
gf_point(ELIGCASES ~ DOPC, data = Central_Line)
## Warning: Removed 1089 rows containing missing values (geom_point).

gf_point(NUMERATOR ~ ELIGCASES, data = Central_Line) %>%
  gf_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1,  color = "red")
## Warning: Removed 1089 rows containing missing values (geom_point).

gf_errorbar(CILOWER + CIUPPER ~ sqrt(ELIGCASES), data = Central_Line) 
## Warning: Removed 3087 rows containing missing values (geom_errorbar).

CASE STUDY: Which providers to check out …

  • Is ELIGCASES too permissive?
  • Which providers have too high an infection rate?
  • Which providers have an admirably low infection rate?
Too_high <- 
  Central_Line %>%
  filter(CILOWER > 1) %>%
  select(CILOWER, `Provider ID`) %>%
Baddies <- 
  Institutions %>%
## Joining, by = "Provider ID"
Nice <- 
  Central_Line %>%
  filter(CIUPPER < 1) %>%
  select(CIUPPER, `Provider ID`) %>%
Goodies <-
  Institutions %>%
## Joining, by = "Provider ID"

Activity about confidence intervals: Which under-performing hospitals should we prioritize for inspection? Use the confidence intervals being above 1 to identify them.

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